Our Community
BGF is more than just frisbee: it’s a vibrant and welcoming community both on and off the field. Use the links below to get/stay in touch with us throughout the year!
Announcements & Community chat
Join the BGF Discord Community!
Join our official Discord server to receive the latest announcements, events, and notifications in real time. Our tossing and social chats are also here!
We encourage you to set your server nickname on our server (so it’s easy for friends to find you), and make sure to tune your notifications for the channels you care most about. Official announcements will always notify everyone. Check out the #welcome channel for our rules and helpful how-tos!
Social Channels
Follow us on Instagram! We post most major events here too as well as fun photos. Tag @bgf_sf and we’ll repost ya!
Email List
Sign up to receive announcements by email on our email list.
Unofficial Community Groups
Frisbaes Parties
Informal chat to share social events.