Introducing: Proud Ultimate

In order to keep pace with our org and its growth going forward, we restarted our efforts to build a more structured organization to run our league and community activities. We’re excited to share that this organization is now established, and we’re one step closer to creating a nonprofit. Registering this organization matures a lot of the systems that make BGF possible, which will help us focus on our mission to create spaces for queer people and allies to engage in sports.

Proud Ultimate is a formally registered organization created to support BGF and other programs that advance the interests of queer people in sports and Ultimate. This new org unlocks improvements and opportunities the community has been excited about for a long time, from more robust operations to expanded impact. This is also one major step toward becoming an official nonprofit. BGF and its programming will continue to exist, and they will live under Proud Ultimate going forward.

Here are some of the ways this new org will benefit everyone:

  1. Better operations: We can now formalize a lot of our operations, including the tools we use and how we manage funds. You’ll see this show up as an easier signup process (launching tomorrow with Fall 2021 League!), better communication options with your teams, and more transparency with our decision-making and leadership teams.

  2. Improved partnerships: A registered business will boost the relationships we can have with businesses, nonprofits, and the SF Parks & Rec department. We’ll get more access to event space, sponsorships, and fundraising in the future.

  3. Expanded impact: With this umbrella org, we can start to do more in the athletic and queer communities, like additional leagues, support for queer athletes/teams, bigger and better events, and additional programming we think will make a difference. 

This evolution is only possible because of everyone’s ongoing commitment to this community and the trust you each place in this leadership team. Thank you for everything you give to this league and to each other. We take our responsibility to this group very seriously and always try to do what’s best for everyone. If you ever have ideas, concerns, or feedback, feel free to drop us a note any time.

See you all soon!

Proud Ultimate & BGF leadership teams


What’s changing for BGF?

The day-to-day for everyone in BGF will be mostly unchanged. Proud Ultimate will help us operate better and expand our overall presence and impact. You’ll start to see “Proud Ultimate” show up in places like league registration, payment/credit card bills, and other background activities where the formal org might be involved.

Is Proud Ultimate separate from BGF?

Proud Ultimate is a registered business (awaiting nonprofit status) and has its own board leadership structure. This is technically separate from the BGF community and leadership team. You can think of BGF as one “program” that Proud Ultimate supports through its formal mechanisms. 

Why is it called “Proud Ultimate”?

Proud Ultimate represents an ultimate community that goes beyond BGF. This name represents an org welcoming to all people and puts our name on par with other ultimate organizations. A group of BGF members, BGF leaders, and non-BGF queer ultimate players developed this name together.

Is Proud Ultimate a nonprofit?

Not yet. We have filed for nonprofit status with the State of California and the IRS and are awaiting their response to our application for tax-exempt status. Even without the 501(c)3 designation, Proud Ultimate and BGF are volunteer-run, and no individuals profit from either organization’s activities to-date.