JANUARy 31, 2020

Dear BGF,

When Woody brought Big Gay Frisbee from LA to San Francisco almost 7 years ago, he might not have imagined what this group would eventually become. In the time since that first toss in Dolores Park, our community has grown to more than 1100 people, our seasonal league registration is approaching 200 (!), and we’ve started using our collective resources to give back.

We’ve come a long way as a community, and we need to make sure we can continue to fulfill our responsibility to the people who come to BGF for friends, fitness, a safe space, and more. In addition to the standard experience most of you have come to expect—like spring and fall league, frequent pickups and social events, and the Folsom Invitational—here is a look at some of the major initiatives for 2020 that will help us take BGF to the next level. You’ll hear more about each of these as the year unfolds.

Accommodating growth
200 players is a lot of players, and what we did when we had only 6 teams might not work as well if we eventually become 12. We’re making some changes this year to help us scale and prepare for more growth:

  • Improved league scheduling format and longer games to make the most of our time on the field and anticipate the needs of future, potentially larger leagues without sacrificing the quality of our experience.

  • Increased emphasis on safety as more players join the league who are sometimes playing ultimate (or organized sports) for the first time, and ways to ensure physical and psychological safety as the league’s skill level continues to increase.

  • A new approach to budgeting so that despite increasing operating costs, we can keep player fees as low as possible. This includes shifting to a more sustainable donations framework that separates the way we fund and operate league activities from the way we fundraise for other organizations.

Inclusion & Equity
We work hard to create a welcoming space for everyone, but we also know we can do better. Our plans are in their early stages, but we’ve committed to a few key things so far:

  • Equitable pricing options to ensure cost is never a barrier for anyone who wants to play in the league. We also want to make sure we offer all types of social events that serve the variety of interests, budgets, and lifestyles in our community.

  • New community values that set explicit, clear expectations for what we stand for, how we treat each other, and how we’re expected to reflect those same values in the work we do and the places we invest time and money.

  • Ways to engage with more people in our community, like womxn and players of color, not only because we want to welcome everyone into what we’ve created so far, but because we also need to make sure everyone’s voices can influence our shared experience and the future of this organization.

Elevate our operations
We’ve done a great job so far combining grassroots organizing with centralized planning to make BGF possible, but managing this work has become more complex and our financial decisions are now much more significant. We need to acknowledge the organization's magnitude and take some serious steps towards operating like a business:

  • A larger leadership team empowered to own the many facets of our growing organization—from games to events to operations—who can move quickly and ensure decisions represent the views of the community at large.

  • Codified ways of working and documented knowledge for future leadership teams. This includes establishing best practices for how to run the league and all its programs start-to-finish, as well as making sure we set clear expectations to which we can hold the leadership team accountable.

  • Stronger partnerships with relevant businesses and organizations, and more official sponsorships to offset costs and help us expand our impact to other areas of the ultimate world and the LGBTQ+ community.

  • Establish a formally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit so we can take advantage of these benefits as a community organization (like better positioning with SF Parks & Rec) and are held to a higher, enforceable standard for how to operate, including more appropriate payment practices, legal protections, and transparency.

Wow! That’s a lot. This letter is a lot! Honestly, we’re a lot. But we’re also excited that this mix of small and big ideas will help us preserve the same league most of you know, make it better for more people, and develop an operationally sustainable program that can survive another 7 years. Thanks to each of you for making BGF what it is and trusting us with this huge responsibility. None of this is possible without your excitement, your dedication, and your friendship.

With gratitude,

Your 2020 leadership team